Sunday, March 06, 2005

The St Stanislaus Morning Candlelight Vigil Protest

I did not get to the Cathedral until about 11:10...And already there was a crowd of protesters there. There was a group of 6-8 people together praying the Rosary alternating between English and, I suspect, Polish. Several carried unlit white candles. The protest stretched nearly the entire block with, perhaps, 150-250 people.

The groups of protesters was aided by, at least 2 people from the group FOSIL, the Fellowship of Southern Illinois Laity, a group which proposes Church reform in Call to Action style and also member of Catholic Organizations for Renewal. (Source)

It is extremely unfortunate that this many people, most of whom were probably parishioners, have been misled by their leaders, and have engaged in blatant acts of disrepect and disobedience to Archbishop Burke and the Church. It is also terribly scandalous in that these acts demonstrate, not only disrepect for the Church and Church leaders, but ultimately, for Jesus Christ, Himself. These people are in need of our prayers for they have embarked on a path which is leading them away from the Church.

Fortunately, the Archbishop did not have to witness this act of defiance as I understand he was visiting a parish in the archdiocese during this time. I think we can be fairly certain that this pains him greatly, however. Please remember to keep him in your prayers as he must suffer terriblely because of these attacks from those Catholics who have turned their back on him and the Church. Pray that they see the errors of their ways and return to the Church of the fathers and grandfathers.

As I approached from the Southeast from across the street.

From the steps of the Cathedral looking west.

And looking east.

Some of the signs:

The above quote, "If you can't tru$t the Archbi$hop, who can you Tru$t", show an attribution to Jamie Allman. When he said it, he did not say it with $ signs...This just further demonstrates the confusion of the people.

Benediction Not Interdict

Support from the group FOSIL, a Call to Action Affilate

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