Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Future of the Catholic Church


The attacks in the news media on our new pope, Benedict XVI, mounted with limitless presumptuousness and ignorance by so-called liberals, illustrate the folly of reshaping church doctrine to fit the current social fashion in the United States and Western Europe.

These liberals are once again wailing and gnashing their teeth in the darkness because the College of Cardinals has once more elected a genuine Catholic as pope. Benedict XVI has forcefully and eloquently described the inescapable conflict of the Catholic Church as defender of unchangeable truth on the one hand, with the false prophets of change espousing moral relativism on the other hand. This pope is not changing.

When Archbishop Raymond Burke called wayward Catholic politicians such as John Kerry, Jim Doyle and David Obey to task, his strongest supporter was Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.

It seems Benedict and Burke are the future of the Catholic Church. The radical liberal revisionists and their news media pals are not even in the game. (emphasis added)

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