Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mental Prayer for May 10 - Take and Receive

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God.

I Speak to God: My Lord and my God, for the past five days I've been praying over your love for all men, for me, your goodness to all of us, to me in particular. I've found you present in this world full of gifts you've given me; I've seen you working in them for me; I've seen that all their goodness and beauty is just a hint of what you are like. Well, how am I going to repay you for all this? What would any person with an ounce of gratitude give? Lord, I offer you myself. I make this offering in the form of a fine old prayer; that prayer will be the matter of my mental prayer today and tomorrow.

Take, O Lord, and receive: This isn't just one of those "if-you-wish" offerings. I urge you to take my gift, Lord. (Am I actually prepared to give what I offer? To go all the way?)

All my liberty: I choose to do what you want me to do, Lord; to go where you lead me. It may cost me something, maybe more than I realize now. (Why should I be afraid? Isn't Christ my leader? Would He ever lead me the wrong way?)

My memory, my understanding, my whole will: Here, my God, take the best things of his own that a person has to give. I'll use my intelligence to work for you, to bring the world to you; I'll study hard, to make my mind a sharp, efficient tool for you; I won't waste my brains on unworthy thoughts and memories; I'll use my will to choose what's really good for myself and my world, what will give glory and joy to Christ. I'll never will what would displease you, God; that would be taking back this offering.

You have given me all that I have: I can't call any­thing my own. My particular talents, the com­fort and love and security all around me, the strength and health of my body, my immortal soul - you gave them all to me. In giving them back to you, I'm only returning what has come from you in the first place.

I restore it all to you and surrender it that you may dispose of it according to your will. Give me only your love and your grace, and I am rich enough and I desire nothing more.
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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