Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alter Christus - The Reign of Christ

In this month of October: the Rosary, our Guardian Angel, St Francis of Assisi, the two Teresas, St Margaret­ Mary... We might stop at any of these names and find ample matter for a fruitful recollection.

But let us look farther ahead still: at the end of the vista, Christ King... Perhaps this may decide our choice. Every priest's heart vibrates at the mention of that name. It evokes the memory of all he lives for, of all he has been ordained for: "Ut Regnet Christus". Then, what greater source of fervor for the whole month than to keep our eyes fixed on that vision of Christ King and to prepare for His feast by working zealously for the furtherance of His reign.


And surely, in the present state (1) of the world, the first thought that comes to us is the desire to see the reign of Christ replace the appalling chaos into which Armageddon has plunged a great part of the world and is threatening to engulf the rest of it.

The situation may seem to be beyond human remedy: innumerable millions in the grip of fierce fighting, of harrowing persecution, of hated oppression, or of agonizing fears and dreadful forebodings. We may also be baffled by the currents and counter-currents of diverse motives that fiercely agitate the opposing camps... But through it all and above it all, for us a dominant factor lights up the whole scene: we know, unmistakably, that a titanic struggle is on between the powers of darkness and the kingdom of God.

Therefore we may not remain passive onlookers; we must work with all our power for the "Pax Christi in Regno Christi". Therefore, also, we can and must rely on God's help, remain optimistic and have confidence in the final victory of Christ's cause.

* To contribute directly to it by external action there may be few opportunities for us; but we can encourage others, train Christian lay leaders in every field of civic and social action, help various movements working for the triumph of truth over error, of the Christian ideal over the forces of evil.

We can also keep up the morale of the people, and direct the minds of our Catholics to the proper channel by making them turn their preoccupations and sufferings and labors into explicit intercession with God for the "Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ".

Above all, we our­selves can offer, increasingly, our sacrifices and supplica­tions, that Christ, in His mercy, may prove indeed the "Salus in Te sperantium", the "Rex et centrum omnium cordium".


All the recent Popes, chiefly from Leo XIII down to the present Pontiff, have stressed in a particular manner the need of making Christ reign in the families of the workers: surely a point of crucial importance in our battle for Christ King. Who is not aware of the danger threatening the faith of Catholic workers and the morality of all workers in the present-day world? Atheistic communism, relativism, materialism and other forms of modern anti-Christian ideologies loom menacingly at the workers' horizon; with what dire consequences for Christ's cause we know too well. Has not "the great scandal of the 19th century" been" the apostasy of the working class" throughout the Christian countries of Europe (Pius XI)?

Then if we want to work for Christ's reign, we must fight for the workers' souls, shield them against, or rescue them from, the snares of Christ's enemies.

* Let us resolve to neglect no opportunity in that direction: every form of social action that lies within our sphere and to which we might devote ourselves;

proclama­tion of Catholic social doctrine, fight against injustices;

personal contact with the worker, kindliness and sym­pathetic understanding, material and spiritual help whenever possible;

fervent prayer to the Sacred Heart: "that He may reign in the workers' families".


But my most pressing concern is the reign of Christ in my own soul, even from the point of view of my apostolate: the fruit of my zeal for others depends so much upon the degree in which Christ lives and reigns in me! No doubt my priestly ministrations will bring Christ to souls, in some degree, by the mere administration of the Sacraments. But how much - beyond this - I could do, if Christ radiated from my whole personality. Let me not trust too much in my priestly character alone: how many priests fail to influence the lives of their people in any appreciable degree! On the other hand, what magnetic power to draw souls to Christ has been exercised for centuries, is still exercised now, by the Saints mentioned above (St Francis of Assisi, the two Teresas, St Margaret Mary), none of them priests!

What matters, then, for me is to be, not any priest, but a priest according to the Heart of Jesus: reproducing His feelings and His words and His actions and His whole attitude, a priest in whom Christ truly reigns.

* Let me examine my way of behaving at the altar, in the confessional, in the pulpit, at prayer times, in my conversations, in the various occupations of my daily life: can I really hope that onlookers have the impression of seeing an "alter Christus"?

If not, what results can I expect from my exhortations to others to make Christ reign in their lives?

Let my sincere desires and earnest en­deavors, this month, be embodied in the aspiration: "O bone Jesu, fac ut sim sacerdos secundum Cor tuum." (Cf. the Mass of Christ the King.)

1. October 1940. But the outlook now is scarcely less gloomy. International and internal conflicts are prolonging the war, and fear continues to haunt mankind.
Adapted from Alter Christus, Meditations for Priests by F.X. L'Hoir, S.J. (1958)
Meditation 10.

Please pray for our priests and pray for vocations to the priesthood.

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