Thursday, October 05, 2006

Throwing Rational Thinking by the Wayside

That's what we witness in reading this letter to the Post:
I have read the proposed Stem Cell Initiative from cover to cover and I am convinced it is a good thing for Missouri.

Opponents of the measure who claim stem cell research is a form of human cloning are just plain wrong.
Opponents? It is an indisputable scientific fact that Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer is a "cloning" procedure...So, Mr. Thomas, is "science" just plain wrong?

A single human cell is not a human. Yes, a single human cell is a form of life, but those who claim that stem cell research is tantamount to "taking a life to save a life" are as clueless as the day is long, or they simply want to mislead others. Human cells are routinely used in many forms of scientific and medical research other than stem cell research. Where's the outcry in that regard?

If Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) amounts to destroying a "potential human being" as some opponent's claim, then every sperm cell is also a potential human being as well. I don't see a ground swell of support to save every sperm cell, do you?
Most Pro-Life advocates never refer to a "potential human being" but rather a "human being with potential". The phrase "potential human being" has been used routinely by those who promote the culture of death - refusing to recognize the inherent dignity of any human life, save their own.

It's painfully obvious that Mr. Thomas is the "clueless" one here as his depth of basic biological knowledge is clearly demonstrated to be non-existent.

This is what happens when one relies on the use of code words and phrases in a vain attampt to make a point - a point which can be refuted by even the most basic of rational thinking.

The simple fact of the matter is that many people in this country are afraid of any controversial issue they don't understand.

The fact of the matter is that those who truly understand the dangerous ramifications and deadly effects of Amendment 2 rightfully fear its passage. Those who now fail to understand what Amendment 2 is, will eventually come to understand its insidious nature, but then, it will be too late.

Because stem cell research is a complicated issue, many voters don't want to take the time to fully understand the issue, so they simply oppose it. Based on a recent Journal article, some of Jefferson County's politicians fall into this category.

Amendment 2 is about more than "stem cell research" and those who oppose it do so precisely because they fully understand what is at stake, especially when it comes to amending the constitution to enshrine evil.

Yes, it's true that stem cell research has not produced any cures, yet. But many other forms of research that have produced cures started out as controversial issues pitting science against the so-called "moral majority."

It's true that embryonic stem cell research has produced nothing but problems, tumors and cancerous growths, while adult stem cell therapies have treated over 70 different diseases and conditions. This is not a "moral majority" issue. It is an agenda driven attempt to obtain public funding and private profits for unethical scientific research - nothing more, nothing less. When the source of private funding for sinister research dries up, the next option is to look for naive and gullible individuals to fleece, either privately or publicly.

As a draft report from California's $3 billion dollar stem-cell institute released Tuesday indicated, it is unlikely to develop cures for diseases or other ailments any time soon (within the next 10-15 years)...Are Missourians supposed to fund this kind of research as the behest of private industry, to say nothing of its moral implications?

Perhaps, if Mr. Thomas and like-minded voters did a bit more research, they would not be as eager to jump on the Amendment 2 bandwagon?

The language of the Stem Cell Initiative clearly prohibits cloning a human being. Furthermore, fertilization of cells use in stem cell research is not required.

Another voter has bought into the lies of Amendment 2.

I dismiss the rhetoric of narrow-minded religious zealots who twist the facts to suit their own narrow-minded agenda.

I will vote "yes" on Amendment 2.

Bill Thomas
While Mr Thomas might feel good about "dimissing the rhetoric of Religious zealots", there are a number of scientists and doctors who are equally opposed to Amendment 2 for ethical and scientific reasons. Others are opposed for financial reasons. Some are opposed for moral reasons. These can all be easily dismissed if one is ignorant of the issues or if one has been deceived by the "rhetoric" of those whose hidden agenda is one of greed and deceit.

We have precious little time before cloning and killing at public expense might become enshrined in the Missouri constitution. A major effort of education is needed. An even more important effort of prayer and sacrifice is needed to ask for our Lord's mercy and assistance in defeating this evil.

Pray the rosary daily!


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