VATICAN CITY, OCT. 9, 2006 ( The loss of the sense of sin stems from the loss of the sense of God, says Benedict XVI.We must pray every day for the return of our brothers and sisters who have abandoned Christ and His Church. They are lost - some are even engaged in the work of the evil one.
"Where God is excluded from the public forum," the Pope said, "the sense of offense against God -- the true sense of sin -- dissipates, just as when the absolute value of moral norms is relativized the categories of good or evil vanish, along with individual responsibility."
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"This ugly phenomenon, however, can be dispelled," the Pope said. Then, referring to the Gospel parable of the prodigal son, he added: "Following the light of Christ's healing truth is to say with the father: 'My son, you are with me always and all I have is yours' and we must be glad 'because your brother ... who was lost ... is found.'"
It is not only up to bishops and priests to speard the Good News...We are also to do our part by our witness, how we live our lives, and by our prayers and reparations for those who are in so much need of conversion.

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