Prof Pressured Students to Lobby in Favour of Homosexual AdoptionHow many recall the the warnings that such retaliation and punishment was sure to come when goodness and virtue and truth were cast aside in favor of a mistaken and flawed view of diversity and tolerance? Those who predicted these things were called alarmists and such. And let's not forget that our Lord Himself warned us about this. We should well know by now that tolerance only works in one direction with some people.
By John-Henry Westen
SPRINGFIELD, MO, October 31, 2006 ( - Missouri State University student Emily Brooker is a Christian who stood up for her faith despite outrageous retaliation by her professor and other faculty at the university.
One of Brooker's MSU professors, Frank G. Kauffman, assigned to his students a project promoting homosexual foster homes and adoption. The project required the entire class to write and individually sign a letter to the Missouri Legislature in support of homosexual adoption, a letter Brooker refused to sign due to her religious objections.
Brooker faced an "ethics" committee after school officials informed her that she stood accused of a Level 3 grievance for violation of the School of Social Work's "Standards of Essential Functioning in Social Work Education." The Level 3 grievance is the highest level of grievance that an individual can bring against a student. University officials told Brooker she had violated three of the "Standards of Essential Functioning": Diversity, Interpersonal Skills, and Professional Behavior.
And why is it that the "professor", Frank G. Kauffman, is allowed to continue his promotion of the abuse of children by his advocating their placement in hostile and disordered environments?
Perhaps the time has come for colleges and universities to be honest with students and parents. Maybe there should be a type of "labeling law" for colleges and professors. This would allow students and parents to determine the intellectual and moral value of the professors and teachers at colleges and universities BEFORE deciding to spend their money - then they might be able to avoid the "junk food" dished out by these charlatans...

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