I am a faith leader, as well as a lifelong Missourian and taxpayer. I urge you to read the text of Amendment 2 (posted on the Internet at .gov/elections) on the Missouri ballot Tuesday and vote no on this deceptive and destructive initiative.Bishop Finn then addresses other issues, such as "Amendment 2 would be bad ethics"-hope of cures does not justify the taking of an innocent human life, "bad business"-regulation-free protection to the biotech industry, and "bad science"-scientific heresy...
Amendment 2 would be bad law.
1) The preface reads, “You are advised the proposed constitutional amendment may change, repeal, or modify by implication … the following provisions of the Constitution of Missouri.” The secretary of state lists 44 sections. On these grounds alone voters should reject it.
2) Subsection 2 (7) states that no law, regulation or ordinance or other governmental action could “restrict” or “discourage” any stem-cell research. This would ensure that no elected official in state or local government would have the power to represent the people in regulating this research.
3) If passed, the legislative branch would forfeit part of its oversight of the budget. Amendment 2 reads, “No state or local government body or official shall eliminate, reduce, deny, or withhold any public funds provided or eligible to be provided … (for) such research.”
Now if only the Missouri voters, with the help of God's grace, will reject this proposed amendment.

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