The Cardinals' shortstop joins pitcher Jeff Suppan in a new print ad opposing Amendment 2, which addresses stem cell research.In its own deceptive manner, the Post-Disgrace leaves out the word "EMBRYONIC" when referring to "stem cell research". This is, no doubt, a move to confuse readers, an attempt to blur the distinction between the intrinsically evil embryonic stem cell research and the morally and ethically licit "adult" stem cell research. But then, we must always consider the source.
...this is the first time that Eckstein's name has appeared in campaign materials.It's a wonderful thing to see athletes with "moral convictions" and these men are to be praised and thanked for speaking out against the trickery and deceptions of Amendment 2!
The ad is set to run today in newspapers across the state, including the Post-Dispatch. It features an "open letter to the people of Missouri" signed by Eckstein, Suppan and Kansas City Royals player Mike Sweeney.
The trio of ballplayers, who call themselves "athletes with moral convictions," say that, among other things, the "fine print" of Amendment 2 would allow for the cloning of human beings.
Donn Rubin, chairman of the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, says the ad is repeating misleading comments made by opponents of the amendment throughout this campaign season.Rubin continues to spread the same lies as his accomplices in deceit such as the Danforths and all of the others. Rubin and his comrades in deception don't want the public to know the details - they don't want the public to know the truth. This is so obvious when one compares the ballot language with the actual wording of the Amendment. Wordsmiths and tricky lawyers must have been employed in order to deceive Missouri citizens into voting against their beliefs.
Rubin said Eckstein and the other athletes in the ad are either "being misled or they are purposely being misleading."Rubin ought to know something about deception - he and his group have attempted to deceive the public from the very beginning. It's a shame he and his companions are living in the wrong time in history. It seems that they would have been more at home working for Hitler and Mengeles, conducting bizarre and macabre experiments, creating a class of human persons whose "life is unworthy of life", and spreading the lies and propaganda to further their agenda. What a pathetic bunch, this Missourians for Life-Saving Cures group.
"And I prefer to believe my sports heroes are not deliberately misleading us," Rubin said.
We have to pray for these people and for their salvation. And we must oppose them and the evil that they wish to enshrine into our Constitution, with all vigor and determination.
And may God bless these athletes, exemplary roles models, for the stand they are taking. Would that former Senators, lawyers, clergy and others had such character!

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