Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mental Prayer for March 1, Monthly Check-Up for March-On the Mass

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Lord, help me to understand the wonderful gift you have given me in the Mass.

The Idea: Few things hurt as much as ingratitude. Imagine a young father who loves his child very much. The father wants to give the child a bicycle for a birthday present, but he finds it will take much more money than he has. So he works long hours to earn the money. At last the big day arrives. The child receives the bicycle without comment, rides it for a time, then puts it away. Occasionally he rides it after that, but only when he has to. More often he lets it lie in the corner unused. He lets it become broken and dirty through his carelessness. How does his loving father look on all this?

My Personal Application: Christ's wonderful gift, the Mass, was purchased for me with His blood. He gives me a chance to use it for my happiness in this world and for my salvation in the next. How do I actually make use of it? Do I go to Mass only when I have to? Do I go to Mass only occasionally? Or do I try to attend Mass as often as I can? Do I let the way I attend Mass become careless and sloppy? Do I own and use a missal? Do I run the risk of going through my whole life missing the marvelous opportunities that the Mass offers because I do not understand the Mass as well as I should?

I Speak to God: I am grateful for your wonderful gift of the Mass which cost you so much to give me, and I promise to use it more perfectly by going to Mass more often, even daily, and praying with attention and devotion.

Thought for Today: "Few things hurt as much as ingratitude."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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