Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mental Prayer for Wednesday after the Fifth Sunday of Lent

Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother

Mental Prayer Meditation Helps

Presence of God

Grace I Ask: Mary, my Mother, let me feel the sorrow that filled your heart, realizing my sins caused it.

Mental Picture: Mary tries to reach Jesus when the cross is laid on His shoulder. A howling, shrieking mob jostles her out of the way. Leaving the scene, she takes her stand farther along the route which Jesus will pass. Now she sees the procession, the gleam of Roman breastplates in the lead... a pressing mob, swirling clouds of yellow dust. On and on comes the roaring tide... there was the top of His cross, but Him she could see. Then she catches sight of Him... bent and breathing hard... dragging His cross along. For a moment their eyes meet, and all their years are in their glances... no word is needed... then Jesus is lost to her sight as the flowing mob coalesces around its victim.

My Personal Application: As I contemplate this scene, I must take my place next to Mary and endure that look of Jesus. It was my sins that placed the cross on His shoulders. My sins caused the anguish in Mary's heart as Mother and Son met. What would my reaction be to one that so hurt my own mother? my own Son? How then will I react to sin?

I Speak to Mary: Dearest Mother, I am more sorry than I can say for making you endure this meeting. You who have given me only love have received from me only ingratitude. Beg from your Son for me a feeling of shame for my sins and the strength to carry on, fighting in His army.

Thought for Today: "A sword of sorrow shall pierce your heart."
Adapted from Mental Prayer, Challenge to the Lay Apostle
by The Queen's Work,(© 1958)

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