As the second anniversary of Terri Schiavo's death from dehydration on March 31, 2005, approaches, her brother, Bobby Schindler is releasing a letter written to Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, Florida.
The text of the letter is available online. Bobby Schindler also makes the following comments:
In light of the fact that Bishop Lynch refused my family's pleas for his help in our attempt to save my sister's life, I am posting an "open letter to Bishop Robert Lynch" which I sent to him on March 9, 2007, and to which I have, to date, received no response.
On March 13, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI reasserted that Catholic politicians have a "grave responsibility" to defend all innocent human life, and a "non negotiable" duty to oppose the practices of abortion and euthanasia. . .
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And Bishop Lynch, in abdicating his responsibilities two years ago in the Terri Schiavo execution, will be unable to respond to Bobby's letter - so there is probably no reason to expect a response. And in the unlikely event that Bishop Lynch does respond, it will be no surprise if it contains meaningless drivel, couched in pious platitudes.
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