For over two months, 15 year-old homeschooled Melissa Busekros has been in the custody of Germany's Jugendamt, an organization created by National Socialist (Nazi) chancellor Adolf Hitler in 1939 to supervise and control families politically after he banned homeschooling in 1938 as subversive to indoctrinating German youth in the Nazi ideology. The Jugendamt ordered Melissa to undergo psychiatric treatment for "school phobia," and has placed her in a foster home and location unknown to her parents who are allowed to see their daughter only once a week. (emphasis added)Why does this government agency still exist?
"The father was showing the videotape [of the officer's statements] to the daughter when another worker within the room for the visit came over and slammed the computer shut, called the police, and had him escorted off the property," Joel Thornton, president of IHRG [the International Human Rights Group]told "truth" is what the Jugendamt determines it to be.
Thornton also referenced that Melissa had written the IHRG a letter March 12, petitioning their help to return to her family. < indicative of someone who wishes to remain in custody of the Gestapo...
Thornton told that he was going to meet with 4 other homeschooling families in the Dresden area this weekend, and also with the Brause family, which lost legal custody of their children to the Jugendamt, and faces the uncertainty of whether police may storm their home and carry off their children like they did to the Busekros family. ("Not to worry...We here to 'help' you", they'll tell everyone...they (the Jugendamt) are doing this for the children...after all, in their tyrannical eyes, children are the property of the all-powerful State, and like most elitists and socialists, they know what's best for everyone.
Thank God that LifeSite keeps us updated on these assaults on the family!

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