U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez, D-Garden Grove, seems to have a comfortable working relationship with the Los Angeles archdiocese’s Office of Justice and Peace. For the past few weeks, the office’s e-mailed “Justice and Peace Newsblast” has advertised an internship with Sanchez, well known for her pro-abortion politics.Why does the Archdiocese work with a pro-death advocate and supporter? Could it be that those in the "Office of Justice and Peace" are confused about authentic Church teachings? Or is it because they don't believe that willful abortion and embryonic stem cell research are intrinsic moral evils? Whatever the case, such acts are gravely scandalous. And even more scandalous is the fact Sanchez receives tacit approval for her pro-death advocacy from the Archdiocese!
According to the “Newsblast,” the “paid summer internship” (at $9 an hour) would provide “great academic and professional opportunities for high school and college students.” It offers “two to three months of professional development in areas such as social services, foreign language translation, office management, communications, and research.”
In 2005, Sanchez spoke out in favor of a bill that would free up federal money for research on embryonic stem cell research. “My father is suffering from Alzheimer’s,” she told the House of Representatives on June 10, 2005.In other words, she believes that the killing of others is morally acceptable and justifiable if there is a possibility (however remote) that another may benefit from from such homicide. This sort of thinking leads to all sorts of depravity and sin. It dehumanizes every human being and results in each person being a mere object subject to those who are stronger or who have control. it is the antithesis of "peace and justice."
This is truly despicable! Is the Archdiocese providing a truly Christian example - one of which our Lord would be proud?

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