[Cardinal] Pell plans fidelity oath for principalsSome, of course, using specious arguments of "academic freedom" or other nonsense, will be critical of such plans. But it would seem that nearly all parents who sacrifice to send their children to Catholic schools would welcome such a policy - especially in light of the dissent which has occurred, and been taught over the past few decades.
The Catholic archdiocese of Sydney wants its 167 school principals, its deputy principals and religious education co-ordinators to publicly commit to a "vow of fidelity" by adhering to church teaching on homosexuality, birth control and women's ordination.
In a first for the Australian church, the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, is set to extend the oath of fidelity and profession of faith, a requirement of church law for bishops, priests and heads of seminaries, to all senior educational leaders.
The oath demands "religious submission of intellect and will" on questions of faith and morals - even if these are inferred but not defined by the pope and his bishops - and an acceptance that everything solemnly taught by church tradition is divinely inspired.
Cardinal Pell has taken a wonderful first step to protect the faith of the children entrusted to the care of educators who must never lose sight of the fact that they have a direct impact, not only with a child's education and preparation for this world, but also with a child's eternal soul which is created for eternal happiness in heaven - and in this regard, it seems that such a responsibility demands that such fidelity to Christ and the teachings of His Church, be manifested by those in positions of education and leadership.
Kudos to Cardinal Pell for a such a faithful and bold move!

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