Voice of the Faithful continues its emphasis on financial accountability in the Catholic Church at its meeting on Thursday, June 7, at 7:30 at the First Congregational Church on the Green in Norwalk [,Connecticut].VOTF is an organization of "mainstream" Catholics? If "mainstream", in this sense, means the same as it does in the phrase "mainstream media", then one can arrive at only one conclusion. But it appears that the writer may have wanted to imply that the "mainstream" reallys means "faithful" Catholics, which any truly faithful Catholic would understand to be erroneous.
Financial scandals at St. John Parish in Darien and St. Michael Parish in Greenwich are just two examples of the misappropriation of parish funds throughout the United States and the lack of any sense of financial accountability to the parishioners, according to Voice of the Faithful press release. . .
The stated mission of Voice of the Faithful, an organization of mainstream Catholics, is to be “a prayerful voice, attentive to the spirit, through which the faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.”
If it be God's will, this group will soon be a thing of the past. One thing about which we can be certain, however, is that it is hardly Catholic, in any sense of the term, properly understood.

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