This is First Friday - a day to reflect on the mercy of Jesus and His Sacred Heart...We should not hesitate to recall and meditate daily on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and consecrate ourselves, our families, and our homes to Him...June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Perhaps no other devotion can be said to be as central to our Christian faith as this devotion because it is rooted entirely in the central mystery of our faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus. Truly, the Sacred Heart stands at the very heart of our world and calls to all men to draw near. God did not just stand afar off in heaven to raise us out of our sins; He actually came to us and embraced the heartbreak that those sins bring into every single life. His Heart is a broken, pierced and torn heart that can console every person in his suffering.
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In an age so full of sin and heartbreaking human evils, we need recourse to the Heart that pumps life into the world. Jesus’ Heart was pierced and opened so that all would see that He is not a heartless, cruel God but stands with us in our sorrows, pains and agonies of life, not just temporarily, but to the very end: “My Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.” May we take special refuge in His Heart this month and renew our devotion to Him who is so devoted to us.
HLI Link.
More on the Sacred Heart of Jesus here at EWTN.
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