House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s May 19 commencement address at the University of San Francisco received mixed reviews, according to an article in the May 25 edition of Catholic San Francisco, the weekly archdiocesan newspaper.Isn't Niederauer a Pelosi supporter? If not actively, then tacitly by his silence?
After the Jesuit university released news of Pelosi’s appearance, the archdiocese received “scores of phone calls and e-mails... protesting her appearance at the campus because of her support of unrestricted access to abortion and embryonic stem-cell research,” reported Catholic San Francisco.
The invitation to Pelosi received criticism from within the archdiocese as well – from Respect Life coordinator Vicki Evans, who called it “a scandal.” Invitations to pro-abortion politicians by Catholic institutions, said Evans, send “the wrong message to our students and to the community at large.”
Archbishop George Niederauer, however, has had nothing to say about the Pelosi invitation. The same day as her commencement address, he received an honorary degree from the university.
Another critic of Pelosi’s appearance was University of San Francisco philosophy professor Raymond Dennehy. He sent an e-mail message to university president Father Stephen Privett, which said, in part, “Given the evidence of embryology I can only conclude that Mrs. Pelosi is a major facilitator in mass murder.”A valid conclusion, lost, it appears, to those leaders who should be concerned about the salvation of souls.
Father Kenneth Weare, an adjunct professor of social ethics at the university and pastor of St. Rita parish in Fairfax, warned that those who “aggressively force an almost single-issue campaign” can “undermine Catholic leadership and perpetuate and validate the negative label of ‘cafeteria Catholics.’”To whom is this enlightened genius referring when he speaks of an "uneducated populace"? And what laws are contrary to the common "morality"? Laws supporting and allowing abortion?
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Weare continued: “Within the context of a divided if not uneducated populace, the forced establishment of laws contrary to the common morality -- such as it is -- could be detrimental. Some choose to move more slowly, attempting to educate before they legislate, even at the expense of the unborn. Some, then, are anti-abortion, but pro-choice, odd as that may seem.”
This man's understanding of "ethics" is questionable, ay best. He's a facilitator of relativism and a mouthpiece of the evil one...
And how is it possible for one to be "anti-abortion, but pro-choice"? This man who claims to be a priest is blinded by evil. Any priest who claims that some (such as Pelosi) "choose to move more slowly, attempting to educate before they legislate, even at the expense of the unborn" deserves to be shunned and avoided since he spews venom and poison which are deadly to one's conscience and soul. Pray for his conversion and for those who have been led astray by his treachery and infidelity to Christ and His Church.

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