Friday, October 26, 2007

In the Service of the Gospel of Life

Archbishop Raymond L. Burke writes:
On this coming Sunday, Oct. 28, we will celebrate our annual Archdiocesan Respect Life Convention at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Downtown St. Louis. It is an important time for all of us to gather new enthusiasm and new energy for our service of the Gospel of Life.

The keynote speakers, the workshop presenters and the exhibitors will all provide excellent and timely inspiration and resources for our carrying out of the respect life apostolate in our homes, in our parishes and in the entire Archdiocese of St. Louis. The convention will conclude with the celebration of the Holy Mass at 5 p.m., at the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France (the Old Cathedral).

The Respect Life Convention provides an exceptional opportunity to come to know better the apostolate on behalf of human life in the archdiocese and to be directly involved in the most fundamental and essential work of the Church, which is the protection and fostering of all human life from the moment of its inception to natural death.

Please plan to take part in the Respect Life Convention. The sacrifice which you will make to do so will be more than repaid in the enthusiasm and energy for living of the Gospel of Life, which you will find through your participation.
And there is this, Father Pavone Headlines at Respect Life Convention

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