Monday, December 31, 2007

Meditation for January 1, The Circumcision

When Madame Elizabeth, the holy sister of King Louis XVI, was in prison, she composed this prayer at the beginning of the New Year.

"I do not know what will happen to me today, O my God. All I know is that nothing will befall me but what Thou hast foreseen from all eternity. That is sufficient, O my God, to keep me in peace. I adore Thine infinite designs, I submit to them with all my heart. I adore Thine eternal ordinances and subject myself to them with all my heart. I desire to have all things as Thou wilt; I offer everything to Thee, in union with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, my Divine Redeemer. In His Name and through His infinite merits, I entreat the grace of patience in my sufferings, and entire submission to all that Thou dost permit and will. Amen."

Without a doubt, God plans for me many more joys than crosses. I will thank Him in advance for all the joys and entrust all the crosses to His love. If He sends me trials, I shall remember that the feast of the Circumcision, which ushers in the New Year, shows me the Child Jesus suffering at the very beginning of His life; I shall be encouraged by His example.

And for each day of the year I shall take these resolutions sug­gested by a soul close to God:

"I will smile at You, my God.

"I will smile at all my neighbors.

"I will smile at myself.

"It is easy to smile at You, my God, when You caress me; when You send me trials and suffering, I wish to smile, too.

"I will smile at my neighbors.

"It is easy to smile at some. But at others....It is at those I wish to smile.

"I will smile at myself.

"Ah! that is the most difficult. But You wish, my God, that I have charity for my own soul, that I encourage it gently. I wish to smile at it, too.

"Each morning I shall greet the new day joyfully, saying to You, my God, that I will be happy with You and every one else. Amen."
Adapted from Meditations for Religious
by Father Raoul Plus, S.J. (© 1939, Frederick Pustet Co.)

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