Friday, May 23, 2008

Catholic "Left" Hangs Itself

William Donohue writes:

The Catholic Left is hanging itself right before our eyes. Having never come to grips with the Church's teachings on sexuality, they are now tightening the noose on themselves in public. It is not a pretty sight. This month alone they have embroiled themselves in a debate with three separate archbishops, with no end in sight.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City recently rebuked Catholic Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius for vetoing a bill imposing new restrictions on abortion providers. Indeed, he publicly urged her not to go to Communion. The archbishop was not shooting from the hip: He has met with Sebelius on several occasions regarding her pro-abortion position.

Catholic Left apologists like Catholic Democrats have blasted Archbishop Naumann for doing his job. But in doing so, they have exposed themselves as lining up behind a public official whose record on abortion makes a mockery of their game plan to reduce abortions....
Haven't these so-called Catholics simply rejected the Faith?

"Roman Catholics for Obama '08" is another group on the Catholic Left that now looks rather enfeebled. They deliberately took Denver archbishop Charles Chaput's words out of context, making it look like he was in the tank for Obama. Nothing could be further from the truth.....

Groups like this could just as easily call themselves "Roman Catholics for Abortion" or "Roman Catholics for Tyranny & Slavery" or "Roman Catholics for Hitler" (were he still living). Again, some of us find it impossible to refer to them as "Catholic", let alone Christian.

The third archbishop to become embroiled in a fight with the Catholic Left is Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles. Mahony has denied Australian bishop Geoffrey Robinson permission to speak in his archdiocese, citing his dissident positions. The Aussie bishop disagrees with the Catholic Church's teachings on adultery, women priests, homosexuality, and "papal power." And who is sponsoring Bishop Robinson in his grand tour of the United States? Voice of the Faithful (VOTF)....
More accurately, "Voice of the UNFaithful." But so few seem to care. The good part is that the membership numbers of such dissident groups have been in decline for years and they continue to decline due to death or, thank God, miraculous awakenings to the truth.

At bottom, it is not the Catholic Left's quarrel with three archbishops that is doing them in; it is their total failure to convince Catholics (as well as non-Catholics) that it is okay to vote for NARAL-approved candidates for public office and then claim with a straight face that this adequately represents the Catholic position. Everyone knows this is bunk.

Since neither the Catholic Left nor its 'agendas' are from God, we know that they will not survive. We are saddened, however, at the confusion they cause and loss of souls that they leave in their wake.

Christ told us that we would always have the poor with us. Is there any doubt that this would include, not only those who suffer from not having even the barest necessities of life, but also those whose poverty of mind and spirit needs to be fed by truth and charity? Let us continue to pray for and educate these confused souls so that, perhaps one day if it be God's will, this country may be governed by morally upright people with common sense and and a deep, abiding respect for the sanctity of all human life.

of Donohue's article.

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