Thousands of "leading Roman Catholics," says the UK Telegraph, are petitioning the Church to allow women and married men into the priesthood. How's that for thinking outside the box?"We believe that the Holy Spirit may be telling us that we are not sufficiently open to the emergence of new forms of relevant ministries."Right. Imagine how the life of the Church in the first world would be transformed if the petition were to succeed: instead of the typical monthly guitar Mass congregation consisting of the same two dozen 75-year-old liberals, you'd have a monthly guitar Mass congregation that included three or four 65-year-old liberals as well. Renewal!

Interestingly, when looking at the picture above, I noticed a couple of familar faces - ones which are almost impossible to purge from the mind. Look right behind the two men. There you will see St Louis' own infamous women priestettes, Rose Hudson and Elsie McGrath, decked out in their usual Halloween costumes.
I suspect that this picture is from an event in St Louis but someone else might be able to clarify that...Diogenes is right on the money as usual - Ahh, renewal! We all know, though, that the spirit leading these lost ones is not the Holy Spirit...

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