"Ineffable."If they are beyond "common comprehensions," who is to blame?
The word worries Erie Catholic Bishop Donald W. Trautman.
He doubts that "John and Mary Catholic," sitting in their church pew, would understand it.
That's why Trautman will try to tell other U.S. bishops that such words shouldn't be in a new English translation of the Roman Missal....
"This should be the prayer of the people," Trautman said. "I'm not for having street language. ... We should certainly have elevated tone, but words like that are just beyond the common comprehension."
Some U.S. Catholics maintain that such attitudes are unworthy of bishops. Some even maintain that those men who hold these positions are unworthy of the episcopacy. For far too long we have had to endure "dumbed-down" and banal translations which stripped the sacred liturgy of its proper and due dignity. Faithful Catholics look forward to the day when fidelity to the liturgical Latin texts is once again restored in the translations.
Let us pray that the this bishop's sentiments are a minority view and that we could someday read and hear translations which can elevate our hearts and minds toward heaven.

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