Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Whom Joe Biden Bows

A good article by Terence Jeffrey:
Take a leap of faith. Assume Sen. Joe Biden is an intellectually rigorous man who never fails to act on his own convictions when he votes in the Senate -- and that he is especially careful in thinking things through when he votes on matters of life and death.

Now, try to entertain Joe Biden's logic -- on a matter of life and death.....
I know - it is asking a lot, but this demonstrates just how incoherent and insane are the positions held and promoted by anti-life/anti-family Catholic politicians.

For Biden -- if you take him at his word -- the question of when life begins is not determined by science but by religion. It is not only a multiple-choice question, but a question with multiple correct answers....On "Meet the Press," Tom Brokaw -- in a half-hearted way -- challenged Biden on the contradiction between his affirmation that life begins at conception and his pro-abortion voting record....
And now the lies and deceptions come spewing forth:

"No, what I voted (was) against curtailing the right, criminalizing abortion. I voted against telling everyone else in the country that they have to accept my religiously based view that it's a moment of conception," said Biden....

Yes, though he "believes" that life begins at conception, he opposes legislation aimed at curtailing the killing of innocent life. Imagine this confused man in earlier times:
"No, what I voted against was curtailing the right to own slaves - of criminalizing slavery. I voted against telling everyone else in the country that they have to accept my religiously based view that every person is equal in the sight of God and in the our country."

On July 18, 2006, and on April 11, 2007, he voted -- along with Republican presidential candidate John McCain -- for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act... [which] said taxpayers those who share Biden's understanding that life begins at conception must pay taxes to fund researchers who kill what Biden affirms are human beings. (The bill did not become law because President Bush vetoed it twice.)
Two questions are then asked of Biden with respect to his votes which are oppsed to his stated "beliefs":
1) Should the government approve the deliberate killing of innocent human lives, and

2) Should the government force taxpayers to pay for it.

As a man who has no courage of his convictions,
Biden answered both questions: yes.

Biden approves of the murder of the innocent while claiming to be a faithful Catholic. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of listening to these charlatans like Biden and Pelosi ridicule the Church and I'm growing equally tired and impatient of their bishops who refuse to adequately address them and the faithful.

When it came to these issues of life and death, Joe Biden would not have forced Americans to bow down to his convictions, he would have forced them to bow down to someone else's.
Biden [and Pelosi and others] would have us be governed, not by the natural moral law, but by the tyranny of evil and injustice. May God have mercy on their souls and the souls of their ecclesiastical leaders who aid and abet them by their silence and inaction.

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