Thursday, February 19, 2004

Bishop Bruskewitz is not participating in the farce.

In general, the USCCB has refused to address the fundamental cause for the "crisis" and have failed to address the issue of homosexuality. Bishop Bruskewitz tried to have this addressed at the Dallas meeting but ran into a 'brick wall', so to speak.

A San Diego and Riverside County newspaper article has referred to the good bishop as a "dissenter." The full article is here.

He has questioned the prudence of having people such as Leon Panetta on the National Review Board and has indicated, rightly so, that the faithful are scandalized by this.

Bishop Bruskewitz should be commended for his courage in refusing to be part of this charade. It has been opined before that this entire Child Protection program is likely to turn into another bureaucratic behemoth with the likes of Kathleen McChesney running the show and looking for ways to audit individual parishes.

Later on in the article, we witness more 'digs' at Bishop Bruskewitz, such as:
The diocese has long been known for its conservative bent. Girls, for example, are not allowed to serve at the altar, a practice that has become common around the country. Bruskewitz believes that having boys serve at the altar encourages vocations to the priesthood, Huber said.

Bruskewitz also welcomed to the diocese the U.S. branch of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, which built a seminary and began classes in 2000. The fraternity emphasizes the Latin rite Mass ---- the standard before the Second Vatican Council ---- in which the priest speaks Latin and faces away from the congregation.

In 1996, Bruskewitz threatened to excommunicate Lincoln Catholics who belong to certain groups that he considered perilous to the faith, including the Masons and church reform advocates Call to Action.

Jim McShane, a Call to Action member who was targeted by the bishop's excommunication threats, said Bruskewitz's noncompliance with the audit and survey are typical.
Interesting. The reporter notes that Bruskewitz leads a conservative diocese correctly stating that he does not permit altar girls, which is the prerogative of each bishop. It's a pity that more bishops do not adopt a similar stance.

But that's not all! He has even 'welcomed' the FSSP - which "speaks in Latin" and celebrates Holy Mass ad orientem and toward God rather than facing the people. And he even had the nerve to threaten excommunication to those who chose to leave the Church anyway. Is it any wonder why the Diocese of Lincoln has more vocations that it has room for those discerning a vocation to the priesthood? Why is there no 'priest shortage' there? Perhaps he saw enough while in the Milwaukee diocese under the 'leadership' of Rembert Weakland. Perhaps that's why he said one of the happiest moments of his life was seeing Milwaukee in his rearview mirror?

While the reporter cleverly attempts to demonize Bishop Bruskewitz by the appeal to Post Vatican II hysteria and permissiveness and by quoting a Call to Action member, those who know of Bishop Bruskewitz wil not be fooled by these kind of reports.

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