When societies become exceptionally decadent, when decency is under attack and immorality defended, we naturally seek the source of such a nightmare. Certainly, evil cannot thrive without the cooperation of man. But what men are most culpable for our present decadence, the blatant instigators of the revolution against Our Lord, or the “silent majority”?There are so many of these "Ohwellians" who are 'professed' Catholics. I believe it is a flawed understanding of the Catholic Faith which has, effectively, neutered the faith of most of these people. Unable to defend the Church or her teachings from attacks from those outside the Church, they are even less able to do so from those who are within her walls. All who are truly faithful must continue to pray for and to teach those who are in need of catechesis. It is by hearing the truth that they will come to the truth, into the glorious light of Christ. This is our duty as baptized and confirmed Catholics and our mandate as expressed by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.
By silent majority it is meant those that look the other way in the presence of evil or sigh and say: “Oh well...”
There are those for instance, claiming to be Catholic, who when asked about abortion will reply with: “Oh well...it’s the law!” There are others, when faced with liturgical abuse will say: “Oh well... nothing stays the same. What’s wrong with change?” Finally, there is the now classic, out-of-context and simplistic rejoinder: “Oh well, we should not judge!”
What we lack today, with a few notable exceptions, is a combative Catholic spirit in the world.
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