Monday, March 15, 2004

The Pill made same-sex nuptials inevitable.

Save Marriage? It's Too Late.
The Pill made same-sex nuptials inevitable.

This article in the Wall Street Journal seems to get part of it right. Fr John Hardon said for years that contraception is one of the primary reasons our society has become so paganized and why this nation and others murder its own children.

No nation has ever survived after having gone down the path of contraception, abortion, infanticide. We are witnessing the implosion of a once great country. We and others have contracepted ourselves into oblivion!

The question that must be asked is why have so many of our bishops and priests been so silent about contraception, which, according to Fr. Hardon's calculations some time ago, result in more than 5 times the number of abortions as those performed in clinics, etc. That is, somewhere near 9 million deaths/murders actually occur in the US due to the pill and direct abortions. To be truly pro-life one must reject, not only the insideous evil of abortion, but also the gravely immoral act of contraception, as well.

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