Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The Glories of Contraception and Abortion!

Canada's Birth Rate Continues to Drop: at All-Time Low

Statistics Canada revealed today that the rate at which women are having babies has dropped to an all-time low. The birth rate, as measured in 2002, dropped to 10.5 live births for every 1,000 population, the lowest since vital statistics began to be produced nationally in 1921. The rate represents a drop of 25.4% in the last 10 years alone.

The fertility rate, an indication of how many babies a child-bearing woman would have in her lifetime, indicates that Canada has one of the world's lowest, at 1.5.

The fertility rate is an indication of "replacement rate," meaning that 1.5 babies are born for every woman age 15 to 49, or for every man and woman in the population. In order for a population to simply maintain at its current level, 2.1 is an absolute minimum. Canada's fertility rate is an indication of an absolute decline in population.
It is a fact of history that no country has ever survived after it began to practice contraception and abortion - What a burden the 'enlightened' have bestowed upon those children who do survive - How utterly compassionate they are to enslave the children with unspeakable burdens!

May God have mercy on us for what we have done!

Story at LifeSite.

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