Monday, November 01, 2004

Worshippers get an earful of politics

Excerpts from today's Post Dispatch...
In Florida, the Rev. Frank Pavone, an activist Roman Catholic abortion opponent, told a packed St. James Cathedral in Orlando to "carry out your Christian responsibility in this election."

Pastor Rod Parsley, of the evangelical World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio, told 2,500 worshippers, "We are just not ready to have our values trampled underfoot by the God-deniers."

In Michigan, Catholics for the Common Good asked priests in the Detroit area Sunday to tell parishioners to consider a wider range of moral issues than abortion alone. "What we're saying to them is that there has been significant limiting of the Catholic Church teaching in documents that have been widely distributed by quote-unquote Catholic groups," said Charles Rooney, a member of the organization.

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