Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Transcript of Cardinal McCarrick Interview on FoxNews

[CHRIS] WALLACE: Thank you, sir. One of the fascinating developments the last year or so has been the new explosion of interest in the life of Jesus Christ (search). Whether it's Mel Gibson's hugely successful movie "The Passion of the Christ" or the book "The Da Vinci Code," which has 9 million copies in print, or the recent covers of Time and Newsweek on the nativity, 2,000 years after his life and death people are fascinated with Jesus.

How do you explain it?

MCCARRICK: Well, of course, I guess you start by saying that we believe he's both man and God. We believe that he is the Father's great gift to the world, the gift of salvation. I think that, perhaps, most of it begins by the gift of faith that so many people in the world have had over those 2,000 years, that he left an extraordinary legacy, and the legacy was the salvation of the world.

The legacy was also a church that he left behind and a church that, even though it has not maintained that unity that he desired so much and that we all desire and pray for so much, yet there are more than a billion and a half people in the world today who believe in the Lord Jesus.

And because of that, the stories of his life are told and retold to children in tents in the desert and in skyscrapers in large cities. All over the world, people believe in him.
Link to transcript.

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