Monday, January 03, 2005

A Big Week For St. Stanislaus?

"This is going to be a really big week for the future of St. Stan's," [archdiocesan spokesman Jamie] Allman said.
I saw a broadcast last night on the news of Archbishop Burke talking to those gathered at St. John the Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church. Archbishop Burke noted that this disent and disobedience of those at St. Stanislaus is a source of grave scandal - I could not agree more.
On Sunday, the archdiocese ratcheted up the rhetoric against the lay board of directors that governs St. Stanislaus' finances. Burke described the board as "defiant" and its treatment of him as a "scandal," according to parishioners who attended the Mass at St. John.
But those opposed to Burke's demands to change St. Stanislaus' structure see it differently: "That's a Mass of anti-solidarity, to me," said board member Robert Zabielski, who noted that the board had not been notified of Burke's appearance.
The epitome of arrogance - Zabielski is critical because the board was not told that the Archbishop would be making an appearance at Mass. What arrogance these men display.
Both sides are trying to get out their respective messages to parishioners who will vote next Sunday on whether to remain part of the archdiocese and turn over control of church assets or splinter from the archdiocese.
One must really wonder if the board really wants to remain in union with the Church or realy wants to control money and assets.

Full story here.

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