Thursday, February 03, 2005

New Bone Marrow Stem Cell has all the Flexibility of Embryonic Cells

BOSTON, February 2, 2005 ( - A type of adult stem cell has been isolated from bone marrow that shows all the characteristics of human embryonic stem cells. A team of researchers at Boston’s Tufts University have found cells that come from adult donors that can change into many, if not all of the different types of tissue in the human body. It was previously thought that only embryonic cells could produce this.

The cells were tested on rats with heart damage and some changed into heart muscle tissue to directly repair damage, and others went to form new blood vessels. Treated rats had more than twice the number of blood vessels and less scar tissue than those of the control group.

Tufts cardiologist Dr. Douglas W. Losordo said, “I think embryonic stem cells are going to fade in the rearview mirror of adult stem cells.”
Let us pray that this be true! The divine providence of God is once again revealed in scientific endeavors!
He said that bone marrow “is like a repair kit. Nature provided us with these tools to repair organ damage.”
Great news! LifeSiteNews article here.

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