Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New arena for birth-control battle

Rebecca Polzin walked into a drugstore in Glencoe, Minn., last month to fill a prescription for birth control. A routine request. Or so she thought.

Minutes later, Polzin left furious and empty-handed. She said the pharmacist on duty refused to help her. "She kept repeating the same line: 'I won't fill it for moral reasons,' " Polzin said.

Earlier this year, Adriane Gilbert called a pharmacy in Richfield to ask if her birth-control prescription was ready. She said the person who answered told her to go elsewhere because he was opposed to contraception. "I was shocked," Gilbert said. "I had no idea what to do."

The two women have become part of an emotional debate emerging across the country: Should a pharmacist's moral views trump a woman's reproductive rights?
"No idea what to do?" Hint: other pharmacies...

Should a OB-GYN be forced to perform an abortion?

Those who use birth control pills for other medical conditions may wish to review more up-to-date studies and information available from the Pope Paul VI Institute here and here.

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