Friday, September 30, 2005

Head of New York Province of Jesuits "Rips" Expected Ban

Apparently, after suffering from a series of narcissistic and other disorders and possibly having delusions of grandeur:
A top Jesuit official has been contacting leaders of the Roman Catholic Church to protest a soon-to-be-released Vatican document that is expected to reinforce the teaching that gays are not welcome in the priesthood.
My response would be that if one has such a vehement reaction to instructions, directives, and teachings of the Church, then the ECUSA has its arms wide open to ordaining those who suffer both from an intrinsically disordered sexual orientation and a rebellion against the Catholic Church.
Chojnacki [Rev. Gerald Chojnacki, head of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus] said he would be working with the Conference of Major Superiors, which represents leaders of religious orders in the United States including the Jesuits, Franciscans and others, and with bishops to fight "for the opportunity of a gay person to say yes to God's call in celibate service of priesthood and chaste religious life."
I wonder how he is so certain that these men are called by God to be priests...Is it the same way in which other confused individuals "think" that God is calling women to the priesthood? I think he has shown his hand prematurely and he doesn't even have a pair to bet on.
Priests in religious orders throughout the country said in interviews that anger is building among their members about the prospect of a ban on gay seminarians.

Some have said clergy are considering staging a strike on a Sunday, to show how critical gay priests are to serving the church. Priests who had not disclosed their sexual orientation to parishioners are now thinking about coming out and denouncing the idea of a ban. Others have talked about signing their names to a protest letter to the Vatican.
I hate to sound short, but their anger is, most probably, really directed toward themselves. I have no patience with those who wish to promote evil (homosexuality) as a good. While some may not be promoting acts of homosexuality, they cannot justify that the disordered inclination is something to be esteemed, for this would eventually lead, in the end, to a justification for the homosexual act itself. It is impossible to reach the conclusion that deviant and unnatural acts are good and natural IF one has -NOT- lost all sense of truth and reason. Any priest who would go on a "strike" as an act of defiance and rebellion against the Church in this matter is not worthy to call himself a priest and should immediately request to be laicized.

The article can be read here.
I'm certain we will see more "Catholics" and "priests" revolting in the near future. After all, if contraception is acceptable and worthy, in direct defiance of the Church's teaching and the natural law, then by extension, homosexuality and homosexual "priests" are a 'good' that the Church and society must accept...This is too sad, really. But this is to be expected from wayward children when they have been allowed to imbibe from every false novelty that comes along without appropriate corrective and disciplinary action.

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