Monday, February 20, 2006

Cynthia Davis Chastized For Speaking Against "Plan B"

A recent Letter to the Editor is a classic exposition of stupidity:
Davis should research before sounding off

I was appalled by the letter written by Cynthia Davis (Feb. 12 Journal). Not only for her need to press her religious views on others, but by her complete and total lack of information regarding Plan B. To refer to it as "poison" is asinine. It's not arsenic, after all.

Secondly, Plan B is not an abortion drug; it is not classified as such. It does not abort a fetus, but rather keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall to keep a pregnancy from ever taking place. You can't abort a nonexistent pregnancy. It is only effective in the first 72 hours after unprotected sex, not three months down the road. She should definitely research topics before starting to sound off on them. This isn't the first time she has come off looking uneducated and uninformed.
It's irrelevant whether or not "Plan B" is classified as an abortion drug by the state or some other agency. Of course, while it is true that it is impossible to abort a nonexistent pregnancy, the mere fact that "Plan B" prevents a "FERTILIZED EGG" (a human being) from being implanted on the uterine wall makes it abortifacient. This fact is not dependent on some government agency stating the obvious.

There is such a thing as a chemical abortion - most educated individuals know this. If the pregnancy has already occurred, the use of this "poison" will result in the death and destruction of an innocent human life. Who, now, appears as the uneducated one who needs to do some research to get her facts straight, Kimberly?
I don't see how it can be the decision of anyone but the woman herself whether she needs to use Plan B. It is her body, not public domain. I know that if I were raped I would immediately seek a prescription for Plan B. I would not put myself through the emotional trauma of carrying a child conceived by rape.
One's inability to comprehend the reasons why the state should protect all human life has no bearing on the issue. Directly willed abortion is always criminal - it is always morally wrong.
Also, should women that have multiple children or can't afford to have another child not be given the option of using Plan B when another form of birth control has failed? That is her decision, not yours.
This is a perfect example of the contraceptive/child murdering mentality. It's all about one's own ego, comfort, and pleasure. There is no regard for the sanctity of human life and even less for the foundational structure of society, the family.
Secondly, if a pharmacist does not want to fill a prescription for a form of birth control, then said pharmacist should shop around before taking a position. If a pharmacist does not want to fill such prescriptions, then they should seek employment at a pharmacy that has the same views and does not fill any type of prescription for birth control. There are several hospitals with religious affiliations in the area that would be perfect for them.

Kimberly Dotson
Poor Kimberly is confused. Having embraced contraception as a panacea for a happy and carefree lifestyle, she has dulled her intellect with the poisons offered by the Culture of Death. Perhaps, we can look forward to the day when a pharmaceutical is developed which will permit those who are too lazy or obstinate to seek the truth to pop a pill which will flush and clean their brains of the nonsense they perceive to be knowledge.

The link to the letter is here.

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