Thursday, February 02, 2006

"St Jack" Danforth and the Bullies in the Pulpit

John Danforth Says It's Time the GOP Center Took On The Christian Right

I think he means he wants everyone to take on Christianity in general...
Danforth is no squalling liberal. He is a lifelong Republican. And his own political history shows he is no milquetoast.
. . .
A man of God and the GOP, he is speaking out for moderation -- in religion, politics, science and government.
Moderation as in spreading his distortions on embryonic stell cell research and cloning? The murder of innocent human life? This is a man of God! Which God is that? Unfortunately, he is more than terribly confused and, worse, he's spreading his diseased and reprehensible "ethics" all over the Missouri landscape.
The combative voice of the Southern Baptist Convention and confidant of White House political guru Karl Rove has little use for Danforth, however grand his religious and political pedigrees. He describes the former senator as "what was wrong with the Republican Party and why they were a minority party."
Perhaps he'd rather see all parties becomes parties of death?
One morning last spring, as he walked with his wife, Sally, in Palm Springs, Calif., where they are building a house, his dismay with the Republican Party turned to dissent.

The trigger was the case of Terri Schiavo, the brain-dead Florida woman whose husband wanted to disconnect her from life support. Schiavo's parents fought to keep her alive, backed by prominent Christian conservatives, including Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.).

"If you turned on Fox News, you would hear relentless talking heads talking about, 'They're killing Terri!' and 'This is murder!' " Danforth says, recalling the campaign to remove the case from Florida courts that had ruled she should be allowed to die. "I thought, 'This is not what the Republican Party does. The only explanation for it was an effort to appease the Christian right.' "
Opposing the wilful murder of Terria Schiavo by dehydration and starvation at the behest of her "former husband" was an appeasement to the Christian Right? Not that trying to stop murder is the right and moral thing to do...

I recently heard a priest say that what was criminal a generation ago has now become legal in many areas, though it is still entirely demented and immoral. So many seem to have lost the ability to properly distinguish betwwen right and wrong.
Danforth saw the Schiavo case as meshing with the right's opposition to gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research.

"I think a marriage is between a man and a woman, but it's beyond me how the whole thing has become so politicized and people have become so energized by it. Because, what difference does it make? How does it constitute a defense of marriage to legislate in this area?"
Is it no wonder his denomination is rotting from within? Having abandoned the moral high ground (if, in fact, he was ever there), he slides into the abyss of darkness and slavery, embracing the culture of death in order to be seen as wise and moderate.
In Missouri, where Danforth won five statewide elections, a constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage passed overwhelmingly last year. Yet he believes most people would say no if asked, "Do you believe we should just be nasty and humiliate people and degrade them because of sexual orientation?"
What a politician, twisting facts into lies, virtues into vices, good into evil and vice versa...
"What is the thinking behind saying that we should criminalize research that can prevent Parkinson's or juvenile diabetes?" Danforth asks. "We should criminalize research because we want to save cells in a petri dish that will never be implanted in a uterus and never become people?"
It's criminal because it's immoral - it's wrong...but he just doesn't get it...

I heard a lady on the radio this morning talking about a petition gatherer outside the Wentzville Post Office. He asked the lady to sign a petition to save the lives of the unborn. After she read it, she discovered it was the "Life Saving Cures" stem cell research petition to get it placed on the November ballot. She was livid, having been lied to, as anyone of a sound mind should be.

After the cops arrived, it was discovered that the petition gatherer was an ex felon, brought in from Michigan or some northern state to work for the group seeking to clone and murder persons in the initial stages of development. What a group - and "St. Jack" is the spokesman!

John Danforth and his cronies seeking patents for destroying life are in need of mega-prayers. Needful as well are the people of Missouri! Who, in his right mind, wants the state to permit experimentation that replicates that behavior of the Nazi scientists?

The The Washington Post article is here.

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