Friday, February 06, 2009

Principles and Practices - February 7

Watch the Beginnings

If, after having committed one mortal sin, we try to go back to the desire which caused the act, to the thought from which sprung the desire, to the occasion which gave rise to the thought, we would but find a mere trifle, something almost imperceptible - a word of double meaning which we listened to with a smile; a useless explanation which we asked for simply through curiosity; a casual glance cast on some object, I know not for what reason, although my conscience urged me to refrain from it; a prayer omitted be­cause it would have put me to some inconvenience, and instead of it I did something which pleased me; a moment of work abandoned, in order to follow some vague idea floating through my mind.

-Golden Grains.
From Principles and Practices
Compiled by Rev. J. Hogan of The Catholic Missionary Society
Published by Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd., Publishers To The Holy See
Nihil Obstat; Eduardus J. Mahoney, S.T.D. Censor deputatus.
Imprimatur; Edm. Can. Surmont, Vicarius generalis.
First printed in 1930

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