Sunday, March 01, 2009

Principles and Practices - March 2

The Power of the Priesthood

What would be the use of a house full of gold if there were nobody to open the door to you? The priest has the key of all the treasures of Heaven; it is he who opens the door; he is the steward of the good God, the administrator of His gifts. Without the priest, the Death and Pas­sion of Our Lord would profit us nothing. Look at the poor heathens: of what benefit is Our Lord's death to them? Alas, they obtain no share in redemption, so long as they have not priests to apply His Blood to their souls. The priesthood is the love of the Heart of Jesus. When you see a priest, think of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Cure d' Ars.
From Principles and Practices
Compiled by Rev. J. Hogan of The Catholic Missionary Society
Published by Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd., Publishers To The Holy See
Nihil Obstat; Eduardus J. Mahoney, S.T.D. Censor deputatus.
Imprimatur; Edm. Can. Surmont, Vicarius generalis.
First printed in 1930

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