Just months into his administration, Pres__ent [ID missing]B Hussein Obama is already targeting pro-life advocates as the Obama administration has released a document that claims pro-life people may engage in violence or extremism. The new document comes on the heels of one in Missouri that caused a national uproar...
[These Nazi-like Statists love the darkness so much that they MUST demonize all who would shine the light of truth on their evil demonic ways. They are truly fearful of truth, liberty and freedom and must do all that they can to promote their master's [Satan] agenda...HT to DM for the link]
Pro-lifers target of hate crime in Illinois town
A hate crimes lawsuit has been filed against the owner of an abortion clinic in Rockford, Illinois.
Priest sues bishop over harm to reputation
Claims clergy spread a rumor that he was incompetent
Clergy in the crosshairs
"hate crimes" legislation reintroduced in the U.S. House could lead to the arrest of Christian pastors who speak out against sexual immorality
Fr. Jaki, physicist and theologian, dies at 84
Writings parsed the histories of science and religion
Mel Gibson's wife files for divorce in LA
Actors says couple separated in late August 2006
Cardinal: End of Christianity in Europe is nigh
Survey shows 90% of Austrians wayward on Church issues
DA to charge man in California retreat shooting
69-year-old rampaged through Korean Catholic center
Priest gives kidney to parishioner
Woman recipient's condition was worsening daily
Georgetown gives platform for Obama speech
Amid continuing firestorm of scandal at Notre Dame
Bishop issues statement against Notre Dame protests
'Stay away from unseemly and unhelpful demonstrations'
[What's more "unseemly"? A Usurping, Death Peddling, spawn of Satan being honored at a "Catholic" university or people praying outside of the snake pit for the conversion of apostates and heretics? The bishop needs some testosterone!]
Obama boosts national pro-life efforts
Pro-life groups reinvigorated by Pres__ent's [ID missing]appointments
Other Issues

Thousands of protesters, some dressed like Revolutionary War soldiers and most waving signs with anti-tax slogans, gathered around the nation Wednesday for a series of rallies modeled after the original Boston Tea Party. They chose the income tax filing deadline to express their displeasure with government spending since President Barack Obama took office...

Why the master of America's new First Mutt is no longer in good odour with President Sarkozy
Biggest drop in industrial output since VE Day
Reporters threatened with arrest for filming Federal Reserve
[YouTube Video of fascist thugs who need to be tried for Civil Rights Violations]
Japanese Investors Given Opportunity to Partake in PPIP
Rendell: Police Across State Are Outgunned
[Another anti-2nd amendment slob who displays his utter ignorance and stupidity when he speaks about guns. What a doofus! How do these clowns get elected anyhow?]
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