Mary Schindler is ushered from Woodside hospice moments after her severely brain-damaged daughter Terri Schiavo died

Bobby Schindler (R), brother of Terri Schiavo, and his sister Suzanne leave the Woodside Hospice after Schiavo died in Pinellas Park, Florida, March 31, 2005.

Terri Schiavo's brother Bobby Schindler, right, and sister Suzanne Vitadamo leave the Woodside Hospice after visiting their sister with Father Frank Pavano Thursday morning...Minutes before she was to die.

Terri Schiavo's parents Mary, left, and Bob Schindler, back right, are escorted by Mary's brother Mike Tammarro, center, after arriving at the Woodside Hospice after Terri died Thursday morning

Terri Schiavo's father Bob Schindler, left, is escorted into the Woodside Hospice by Brother Paul O'Donnell after Terri had passed away Thursday morning

I pray that Terri and her family's courageous love this during dark, evil period in our history will open the minds and hearts of people around the world. Their sorrow and pain must be extraordinarily burdensome to have witnessed their beloved brutally tortured at the hands of the state in the what must be the longest public execution in our history. May God give them strength in their grief.
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