Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Ghoulish Interview

The Post Dispatch prints a story from the New York Times which is, primarily, an interview with George Felos, the pro-euthanasia attorney complicit in the Terri Schindler/Shiavo murder.

For those who may have missed it, Felos, at a press conference last Saturday, stated:
"She is calm, she is peaceful, she is resting comfortably. ... Her lips are not chapped, they're not bleeding. Her skin's not peeling. Frankly when I saw her ... she looked beautiful. In all the years I've seen Mrs. Schiavo, I've never seen such a look of peace and beauty upon her."
This deceitful description was given while other eyewitnesses described her as "gaunt," "drawn," "struggling" and "fighting like hell" for life, as if she lived in a concentration camp.

We can only hope that the autopsy, should one be needed, lead us to the truth and not to some predetermined conclusions already fabricated by those engaged in this attempted gruesome murder.

Article here.

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