Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Francis Cardinal George, we are outraged...

Catholic Citizens of Illinois Board of Directors

"Francis Cardinal George, we are outraged and dismayed that you would permit the Mercy Home for Boys & Girls to invite Hillary Clinton to speak at their fundraiser"
5/9/2007 8:00:00 PM

May 8, 2007

TO: Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I.
Archbishop of Chicago
P. O. Box 1979
Chicago, IL 60690-1979

Dear Cardinal George,

We are outraged and dismayed that you would permit the Mercy Home for Boys & Girls to invite Hillary Clinton to speak at their fundraiser. The newspapers and various internet sites report that you questioned it but were satisfied that it was not be a political event. You can't possibly believe that. We can only hope that your comments were misrepresented by the media.

Hillary Clinton is running for President. Any appearance or speech she gives is a political event. Mrs. Clinton opposes the moral teachings of the Church on abortion, stem cell research, the morality of homosexual acts and the defense of marriage. She has spoken to the Human Rights Campaign, the major homosexual organization in the country and promised that she will advance their agenda "when she becomes president."

Hillary Clinton's appearance at a fundraiser for Mercy Home is a disgrace for the Church and a scandal to the faithful. It is a disheartening affront to the pro-life movement that fights on a daily basis for the lives of the innocent unborn and other vulnerable members of our society. It is in direct opposition to the Bishops statement opposing awards, honors, or platforms for those who oppose the fundamental moral principals of the Church. No wonder Catholics think it is okay to vote for pro-abortion candidates! (my emphasis)

Before long you will be taking the leadership of the USCCB. Is this what we have to look forward to? We have already experienced the weakness and indifference of the USCCB on major moral issues. If only all of the bishops would follow the lead of those courageous ones who are willing to take a public stand against such speakers on Catholic property. Is it too much to ask the leaders of the church Militant to do what they ask us to do - stand firm in defending the faith? Is compromise and accommodation what defines us and if so, is now the time to just submit?

Thomas F. Roeser
Mary Anne Hackett
Cristov Dosev
Susan Jordan
Karl Maurer
M. Kelly Smith

Poor Cardinal George...unable or unwilling to confront evil; unable or unwilling to prevent scandal. All of us are admonished that we are never to cooperate in evil, such as abortion or the support of abortion, nor are we even to give tacit approval to evil, as it appears to have happened in this case.

Who cannot recall what Archbishop Burke stated recently in this regard:
“When there is a significant risk that others could be led to evil, as the one responsible for the spiritual and moral well-being of the faithful entrusted to my pastoral care, I am obliged in justice to act...Life is the most basic human good and the right to life of every innocent human being must be respected. The inalienable right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive element of civil society and legislation. The Catholic Church consistently teaches that actions that result in the direct killing of the innocent, such as deliberate abortion and destruction of human embryos for research, are grave offenses against the right to life found in the natural law and Divine Revelation. When, for economic gain, a Catholic institution associates itself with such a high profile proponent of the destruction of innocent lives, members of the Church and other people of good will have the right to be confirmed in their commitment to the Gospel of Life.” (my emphasis)

Who cannot understand why there are committed and faithful Catholics of Illionois who feel they have been betrayed by their shepherd for failing to confront the Clinton fiasco? A perfect teaching and leadership opportunity was lost, cast aside for some reason which escapes Catholics on the front lines of the battle. Whatever the "secret" reason for failing to act with zeal, courage, and determination to stop the Clinton affair happened to be, it remains at odds with what is expected of Catholics, especially of a bishop.

The worse scandal is not that Clinton was part of this fundraiser, but that a Catholic cardinal was remiss in fulfilling his obligation to Christ, the Church and those under his charge. A good shepherd does not let his flock wander about aimlessly - he gives his life (or self-esteem, human respect, etc) for his flock as did our Lord.

Our bishops and our priests need our prayers. The evil one is engaged in a relentless assault against them. We must help in supporting them with our prayers and sacrifices and reparations - even if, at times, they become frightened like the hired hand, and flee for some imaginary "safety."

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