Friday, June 27, 2008

Just for Today, June 28

Thou thunderest forth over my head Thy judgements, O Lord, and Thou shakest all my bones with fear and trembling, and my soul is terrified exceedingly. I stand astonished, and consider that the heavens are not pure in Thy sight.

If in the angels Thou hast found sin, and hast not spared them, what will become of me? Stars have fallen from heaven, and I that am but dust, how can I presume?

-Bk. III, ch. xiv.

Our justices, they are as nought
Before Thy judgement-throne;
Where angels failed, I too would fail
If I stood there alone.
O Thou didst thunder on the mount,
Yet love bids me draw near,
Unite my sacrifice to Thine
And banish every fear.

For more information, see this post.
Adapted from Just For Today(©1943 Burns & Oates)
Nihil Obstat: Reginaldus Phillips, S.T.L.,Censor deputatus
Imprimatur: Edwardus Myers, Vic. Cap.

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