Thursday, June 26, 2008

NARAL Catholics Line Up for Obama

As if they truthfully can, in reality, be called "Catholic".....

You are the Democratic candidate for president. You want to reach out to Catholics. So what do you do when the majority of the elected officials on your National Catholic Advisory Council have the seal of approval from NARAL Pro-Choice America?

Celebrate, perhaps and dance with the devil?

Why some call themselves "Catholic" while giving aid and comfort to the enemies of God we might not fully understand. But we do know that they are traitors to the Faith, and they are traitors of our Lord, much like Judas.

By condemning the unborn to death by their support of abortion, they cry out, like the enemies of Christ, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" For whatsoever you do to do unto Me...

The coming months will be particularly revolting, I suspect, as we hear of more and more so-called "Catholics" lending aid and comfort to Satan and those who support his plans of evil and death.

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