Monday, October 27, 2008

North Carolina Bishops Issue Election Letter

The NC bishops issued a joint letter on the upcoming election. It is authored by Bishop Michael Burbidge, Diocese of Raleigh and Bishop Peter J. Jugis, J.C.D., Diocese of Charlotte. Excerpts below (my emphasis):
As we approach general elections on November 4, a wide range of thoughts and opinions are filling our mass media regarding the election process. We write to reiterate important information and to clarify one important issue for you.

First, we wish to reiterate the importance of educating yourselves about the teaching of the Catholic Church and the candidates’ positions to the best of your ability....

Many of the faithful in our dioceses are expressing a sense of being overwhelmed with the many issues that are being discussed and debated, and seek further clarity from us. This leads to the second point of this letter. The Catholic Church proclaims a consistent ethic of life that covers a wide range of issues: the family, global solidarity, human life, social justice, environmental stewardship, etc.

While all these issues are important, the intentional destruction of innocent human life is an intrinsic evil that can never be supported, and the protection of human life from conception to natural death is preeminent among our moral values.

In the hierarchy of truths, this truth is never morally equivalent to all the other issues embraced under a consistent ethic of life....
The complete letter is available here or here.

HT to Fr. J.M for the links.

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