Poll: Barack Obama Unable to Win Churchgoing Americans Due to Abortion
Barack Obama tried speaking their language and made repeated overtures to active church-going American voters during the election
Opinion: This Catholic Will Vote for Life and for the Children
Obama Can't Fool God Voters-- "Messiah" Draws Less Support Than Kerry
Barack Obama tried to bamboozle religious voters this year with outrageous and dishonest mock "Pro-Life" websites paid for by George Soros
Vatican dragging its feet over Pius XII files?
Jews demand opening of secret archives from wartime
'2,000-year-old Jesus box' may not be a fake
Jerusalem forgery trial nears collapses
Niece of MLK Suports McCain
Dr. Alveda King works with Father Frank Pavone (PFL) in the Gospel of Life Ministry. She personally supports and will vote for McCain-Palin
“Unadulterated scandal”Head of San Francisco Catholic Charities and local priest give money to No on 8 campaign; two Southern California priests donate to ‘Obama for America’
Pope may freeze Pius XII sainthood process
...until historical archives can be opened
Pope says nature is not chaos
Creator's intervention cannot be limited to beginning
Keeping Catholic charities Catholic
Vatican dispatches cardinal to meet with U.S. bishops on proper role of Church’s humanitarian agencies
Mystery surrounds Jesuit priests' killing in Moscow
Russian investigators have suggested murder-suicide
Christians praying for Election Day miracles
Faithful turn to higher power on candidates' behalf
Will Obama win the white Catholic vote?
Surveys by Pew Research suggest 'Roman victory'
Issues & Politics
New Marston Prediction: McCain by 52 Electoral Votes
An elections expert, Paul Marston, is staking his 45-year reputation on a public prediction that McCain-Palin will win. He bases this on an analysis that assumes the major pollsters are ignoring the "PUMA Factor."
Obama Plan Would Hurt Seniors First and Foremost
Let there be no mistake. While a capital gains rate increase would hurt American corporations, and therefore American jobs, by lessening the total amount of money invested in them, the most devastating affect would be on the seniors of our nation. Seniors who have spent a lifetime accumulating some form of savings and seniors who rely on their IRAs as their main source of income would all see their taxes go up under the Obama plan...Obama camp spies endgame in Oregon
[Obama tells Americans no more SUVs or 72 degree homes]
Joe the Plumber was Right!
Bull awaits Obama win in Kogelo village
Barack Obama; The Unauthorized Biography Of A Marxist, Obama’s Factual Family Story
*** Have You Vetted Barack Obama? We Have ***
Ladies, When You Vote Remember: The Song Obama Played the Night He Announced He Would be the Democratic Nominee was "I Got 99 Problems But a Bitch Ain't One"
Former Sec of State on Fox" We are about to elect a Con man called OBAMA (YouTube)
Lawrence Eagleburger , Sec of state under Bush I, said this morning that the US is on the verge of electing a CON MAN, named Barack OBAMA...
Ohio Coal Association Says Obama Remarks Make It Clear: Obama Ticket Not Supportive of Coal
[Obama will do all he can to destroy America and capitalism]
*** Ayers Advises Obama on Regular Basis? in constant contact says source close to Obama candidacy ***
The relationship between the Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate Barack Obama and Bill Ayers...is deeper and closer than currently understood, according to an individual who has had a senior role in the Obama candidacy that has included direct contact with the candidate.
LGF Exclusive: Bill Ayers' 'Prairie Fire' in PDF Form
Osama is Pulling Hard for Barack
(by Michael Scheuer, ran CIA operations against al Qaeda)

[Who wipes his face with his middle finger? This demonstrates the chronic immaturity and mental prioblems of this depicable creature. He did the exact same thing to Hillary.]
Judge Dismisses Obama Birth Certificate Challenge
A Connecticut judge dismissed a lawsuit Monday that alleged election fraud and questioned whether Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama was qualified to appear on the ballot for Election Day.
2 Forms of Identification *REQUIRED* to Attend Obamapalooza[While no ID/Proof of citizenship needed to run for President]
Obama’s Real Agenda On Coal Now Clear (Wheeling News Register)
Obama: Energy Prices Will Skyrocket Under My Cap and Trade Plan
Few Details Known About Obama’s Three Weeks in Pakistan
As the presidential election campaign draws to a close, unanswered questions about Barack Obama’s three-week visit to Pakistan 27 years ago continue to cause unease in some quarters, but his campaign has revealed few details.
Death to America? Schumer Vows Big Changes on 'Issue After Issue' in Next Senate
Syrian Government Newspapers Back Obama
Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) – Syrian government newspapers are endorsing Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama. “All Arabs prefer Obama over [Republican Presidential candidate John] McCain,” columnist Eid Abu Sika wrote in the Syrian government daily Al-Ba’th.
Say Goodbye to America (The American Thinker)
No matter who wins Tuesday America is going to be a different country.
Arabic paper editorial: "America begins its OBAMA INTIFADA"
The editor of the arabic paper "Al Quds Al Arabi", Abdelbari Atwane, who was also the first journalist to meet Usama Bin Ladin in the 1990s, wrote an enthusiastic editorial today, November 3, 2008. Under the title "The historical Obama Intifada", he writes that "except a major catastrophy, Obama will be elected President of the United States and the American people will launch an historical Intifada."
Obama Promises Supreme Court That Will Destroy Second Amendment
[Lock and Load?]
Reclaiming our country
(the Communist Party USA's veiled endorsement of Obama)
Jerrold Nadler admits Obama is "Not Politically Courageous" YouTube
Representative Nadler (NY-D) on why Obama attended Wright's Church: "This is not going to be complimentary to Senator Obama ..... he didn't have the political courage to make a statement and walk out."
Claire McCaskill Changes B.Hussein Obama's Tax Numbers Again
[She's an Obamabot, this is expected]< Former Ron Paul Senior Aide: Libertarians Must Back McCain/Palin
I now believe, two days before Election Day, that this campaign is just too critical to risk on such a strategy, and if Libertarians won’t put the liberty of our country ahead of our party ambitions, who else in this country will?
Gore Vidal Signs Open Letter to Obama Urging Him Not to Concede Even If He Loses
Obama Channeling Chairman Mao? - "Righteous wind"
From the writings of Chairman Mao:
"The ill wind of opportunism is falling, the righteous wind of socialism is on the rise.By the end of this year the victory of socialism will be greatly assured. Naturally there will be many struggles ahead and we must struggle hard."
Obama Supports Abortion and Black Genocide -YouTube
"Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood's so-called "Negro Project" is alive and well as the most pro-abortion candidate in American history promises to not only protect Roe v. Wade but to use the presidency and his judicial appointments to push an even more radical social agenda."

Coal Official Calls Obama Comments 'UNBELIEVABLE'
[Spread the poverty, baby!!!]
Palin kicks Obama/Biden in the face over gutting the coal industry (video)
"Really, media folks: the next time a Presidential candidate casually announces that he's going to slowly strangle the industry that provides us with half of our electrical power, cover it as it happens. Letting us run with it two days before an election is kind of contraindicated, at least from your point of view"...
How The Times followed a trail to find Barack Obama’s aunt
Calls slam Obama in coal country
(Wake up America or we will all be bankrupt)
Another Obama buddy: Beyond audacity
Obama continues to support Penny Pritzker -- the disgraced billionaire hotel heiress who helped sink a major bank that used subprime mortgage machinations -- as she helps fund his crusade. Ms. Pritzker is the finance chairwoman overseeing Obama's fundraising and a "bundler" who has pledged to personally raise between $200,000 and $500,000 for him...
"A Light Will Shine Down, From Somewhere, It Will Alight Upon You, You Will Experience An Epiphany, And You Will Say To Yourself, I Have To Vote For Barack!"
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