Monday, November 10, 2003

Dissenters still stirring things up in Milwaukee

The annual Call-To-Action conference was held in Milwaukee this past weekend and as I understand it, Arbishop Dolan was out of town, probably on his way to Washington for the Bishops' Conference meeting.

One of the "hot topics" included a program to begin a nationwide drive to push for optional celibacy. Some priests have gone so far as to include sample letters in parish bulletins. And at least one priest at this CTA/FutureChurch/et al meeting is quoted as saying about the ministerial priesthood, "I think that we just have to open ordained ministry up to everyone, both men and women, married and single." I guess some of these guys have never read the documents of the Church, the Catechism, or much of anything else of value.

The Journal Sentinel has an article on this here.

But that's just a part of this meeting. Illinois Justice Anne Burke, who is the acting chairwoman of the Bishops' National Review Board to oversee the clergy sexual abuse program, was to speak on the efforts of the petition drive. This was also in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

I wish I could understand the rationale for selecting advocates of dissent and heterdoxy to serve on the national abuse panel. It seems that it would be fairly difficult to make right moral judgements, if one is infected with dissent.

Archbishop Dolan really needs our prayers as do all of these others.

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