Sunday, November 09, 2003

The Fascinated God

There is a new book written by a local St. Louis diocesan priest which is being marketed (selectively as I understand it) to some in the archdiocese.

I'm curious if anyone has read it and can offer any sort of evaluation of it. I am always hesitant to spend good money on any books dealing with the Faith, unless they are completely orthodox or, if not, to be used as reference material (like Loraine Boettner's Roman Catholicism). I still have several other good books that I want to get to. I'd like to finish Warren Carroll's The History of Christendom sometime soon. It's quite a read and well worth the time, if one likes history!

Anyway, back to the subject. You can read the abstract of the new book, titled The Fascinated God, here.

While I am not making any premature or undeserved judgements, a few things struck me as "odd" while I read the article about this book. Perhaps, these days I am just a tad overly cautious, but I find it difficult to read somthing like " now accessible in the sacraments of the church in a quasi-magic manner" and not feel concerned.

Any comments?

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