Saturday, September 18, 2004

Archbishop Flynn does not support withholding Holy Communion to any Catholic

I do not believe that it is my responsibility or anyone else’s responsibility to pass judgment on Catholics as they proceed to the Communion table.
Somehow this does not square with what the Holy See has stated: "The reception of the Body of Christ when one is publicly unworthy constitutes an objective harm" to the Church and to the faithful who obey it, says a declaration issued by the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.
Eucharist extends our participation as baptized Catholics and invites us to discipleship. We are invited to the table to join with the community, to give thanks, to be nourished, to be challenged in our discipleship and then sent forth to be disciples. This discipleship requires that we constantly develop a more profound grasp of our faith, that we be attentive to the direction of the church and that we play a part in providing leadership in the world.
One of my pet peeves is seeing or hearing the word "Eucharist" used without the definite article "The" as in the case above...I believe it tells much of the person who speaks or writes in this manner. It reminds me of those who also prefer to say "Church" rather than "The Church"...

Perhaps, more prayers are needed for the Archbishop and others who refuse to listen to the Holy Father (as in Ecclesia de Eucharistia) in this regard, and to the counsel of Cardinal Ratzinger. The greater scandal, it seems, comes from bishops who fail to obey directives from the Holy See.

The Archbishop's article is here.

*** UPDATED ***

I had forgotten this, but pro-abortion politicians are not the only people that are welcomed to commit scandal and sacrilege (objectively) by receiving Holy Communion:
Archbishop Harry Flynn has said Rainbow Sash members will not be denied Communion, reserving such an action for "extreme" circumstances.
So what's "extreme"?

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