Friday, November 12, 2004

St. Joan of Arc Parish Defies Vatican on Homosexual Activism

Minneapolis, Nov. 12 ( - A Minneapolis parish is continuing to provide a forum for homosexual activists despite orders from the Vatican, the Wanderer newspaper is reporting.

St. Joan of Arc parish is offering a series of lectures by homosexual and lesbian couples, under the auspices of a group known as the Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities (CPCSM). The group is advertising a November 13 event that will feature "a Catholic gay male couple and a Catholic lesbian couple discussing their respective relationships and their sense of connection to the Church."
Who listens to the Holy See anymore? Certainly not those at St. Joan of Arc parish...Perhaps as many faithful Catholics as possible should attend this event, so that they may protect and defend the teachings of Christ and His Church.

Article here.

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